Leanne Davies

Veterinary Nurse

Leanne Davies - Veterinary Nurse
Leanne Davies RVN, N-Cert Veterinary Nurse

What do you love most about your job? 

What I love most about my job is that you can constantly improve, learn and develop new skills to apply to your nursing. 

How did you end up working in vet practice? 

When I came across the role of a veterinary nurse I knew that was what I wanted to do as a job. I started doing works experience in a veterinary practice when I was seventeen years old. This led on to me moving and doing my nurse training and I qualified in 2009. I came to work at Hay Vets originally to cover another nurse’s maternity leave but 10 years on I am still here! 

What’s your professional interest, and what further qualifications have you pursued to help further your knowledge in the field? 

My main interest is surgical nursing and theatre management. I enjoy working alongside the veterinary surgeons to help to give each individual patient the best possible care. I have recently gained my surgical nursing certificate which I am extremely proud of.